The STARTUP10 project, funded by Italian cooperation and managed by CIHEAM Bari, with the aim to strengthen the managerial and innovation skills of business incubators and then support more than 140 startups in a path of coaching and development of their business in the green and blue economy sectors, kicked off on Nov. 23, 2023.
22 business incubator managers from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Uganda participated in the workshop entitled “The STARTUP10 project and possible synergies with other CIHEAM Bari activities on innovation” during which a focus was made on the MIP – Mediterranean Innovation Partnership ( and the FEED platform (, a networking and knowledge sharing tool created by CIHEAM Bari during its actions in the Mediterranean area.
The workshop officially launched the project and was the first of 10 days training on sustainability and competitiveness of incubators, collaboration with companies and access to financing tools.
The objective of the training was to strengthen the skills of the Managers of the Incubators involved in the project, strategic partners for the implementation of activities and the achievement of the project objectives